Product Portfolio

Annual Clover
Annual clovers are almost always used as the legume component in hay/silage and grazing mixes. Annual clovers produce large volumes of feed through...

Annual Ryegrass
Annual Ryegrass is the backbone of many hay/silage and grazing mixes across the South East and Western Victoria. Annual ryegrass offers fast and...

In the Southern Region we have a lot of soils which are highly alkaline and prone to waterlogging through winter months. One of the biggest...

Cocksfoot is a perennial grass that is largely suited to free draining soils. Cocksfoot should be kept well grazed to maximize animal production and...

Forage Cereals
Forage cereals are a very reliable option for prolific winter/spring forage. Most forage cereals will prefer soils of a well drained nature, but...

Italian Ryegrass
These short lived varieties generally last from 2-3 years under irrigated conditions. In our harsh dryland summer situation, rarely do we see these...

Lucerne is commonly known as the king of forages. Lucerne is an extremely valuable feed source with the ability to grow 12 months of the year...

Medics, are self-regenerating annual clover varieties that grow in autumn, winter and spring. Medics will thrive in lower rainfall regions and are...

Perennial / Hybrid Ryegrass
Perennial ryegrass has been one of the main grass components in sheep/beef and dairy systems throughout the southern agricultural region. Due to the...

Perennial Herbs
Perennial herbs fill a niche market in our region. They bring a blend of persistence, palatability, digestibility and the ability to collect...

Phalaris is arguably the most widely used and most persistent perennial grass on the market. Phalaris is a deep rooted, drought tolerant perennial...

Red Clover
Red clover can be used in irrigated pasture mixes to boost summer production. Locally it has been difficult to maintain necessary levels of...

Subterranean Clover
Subterranean clover is an extremely valuable self-regenerating annual clover. Sub clover offers excellent value for money due to the large volumes...

Summer Fodder Crops
Summer fodder crops are an extremely valuable out of season feed source. By January/ February when feed is limited, farmers will wish they had a...

Tall Fescue
Tall fescue has the ability to not only survive, but to thrive in our tough conditions. Fescues have a much deeper root system than ryegrass and...

White Clover
Locally white clover is known to only persist under irrigated and high rainfall (+700mm) conditions. Some smaller leafed varieties have lasted for 2...